Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard electronic format between business partners. In short, it is defined as the transmission of specific electronic data. This mostly refers to data such as invoices, purchase orders and notices between organisations. Endoxa enables thousands of trading partners to exchange documents internally. With more than 7000 active users, Endoxa Workflow® creatives effective communication between thousands of registered vendors.
There are strict standards that EDI must follow. This includes ANSIx12 UN/EDIFACT, Eancom, Tradacoms and Odette. There are also protocols which must be set in place such as a VAN, AS2 and FTP. All these protocols and standards must be followed in order to exchange documents effectively. These standards allow seamless communication between clients and trading partners.
There are many benefits of using EDI technology. Firstly, it saves your business time and money. One of the major benefits is the elimination of data entry errors and chargebacks. EDI will also increase speed and efficiency of communication. The second most valuable asset is the reduction in labour and other costs. It reduces the use of paper and thus supports green business practice.
EDI is the future of business-to-business communication.
EndoxaFlow® supports multiple accounting software packages. For more information, feel free to Support & Contact.