
Success Stories

Pick n Pay

Photo - Pick n Pay shop

Client Pick n Pay
Website https://www.pnp.co.za
Location Kenilworth, Cape Town, South Africa
Industry Retail

Customer profile

Pick n Pay is a retail business in the fast moving consumer goods industry on the African continent – that believes doing good, is good business.

It was 1967 when consumer champion Raymond Ackerman purchased the first four Pick n Pay stores in Cape Town. Since then the Group’s vision has grown and expanded to encompass stores in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Swaziland, Lesotho and Zimbabwe and has an annual turnover exceeding U$ 6bn with 1,685 store locations and 52,000 employees.

Business challenge

“Pick n Pay is committed to small business development in the manufacturing and retail sector – particularly by black – and women-owned businesses. A diverse supplier base is vital in ensuring we have the right range of products and pipeline of innovation to meet customer needs”.

Pondoland Maize is one such supplier, Founder and CEO, Mr Phil Makabane, an industrial engineer, quit his corporate job when he spotted an unserved market segment for culturally traditional maize products in the sub-continent. Pick n Pay recognized that they needed to help Pondoland Maize and many businesses like them by making it easy to do business with. However, any solution had to be cost effective and intuitive to use, EndoxaFlow met that criteria.


Pick n Pay tackled the low adoption rate of electronic trade in South Africa with the help of Endoxa. During the past ten years Pick n Pay have rolled out B2B e-commerce and collaborative workflow to over 2,500 suppliers throughout Africa. By using EndoxaFlow Pick n Pay is able to provide a B2B e-commerce platform that greatly assists their smaller suppliers which don’t require special software to trade and collaborate with Pick n Pay.

Challenge Resolved

EndoxaFlow enabled small suppliers to reconcile their orders and invoices online and enter their invoices directly onto the Pick n Pay Supplier Portal. Phil now enters his own invoice and doesn’t incur the cost of a service provider to translate it into an EDI message. Submitting invoices electronically removes the potential for mistakes in rekeying data during manual processes.

Similarly, Phil maintains his own master data at Pick n Pay online, ensuring all Pondoland Maize’ data is aligned 100% with that of Pick n Pay eliminating unnecessary errors occasioned by data misalignment.

Business benefits

Larger and more established suppliers send and receive EDI documents and other transactions from Pick n Pay via an EndoxaFlow web service. This has automated key supply chain processes reducing time at the ‘back door’ and improved operations.


Photo - Makro

Client Makro
Website https://www.makro.nl/
Location Utrecht,Holland
Industry Cash and carry

Customer profile

Makro operates 17 self-service wholesale stores across the Netherlands that include 60,000 food and non-food products. Since 1 January 1998, Makro has been part of the German listed METRO Group, an internationally oriented trade and services group. METRO Cash & Carry (a division of METRO Group) has more than 700 Makro and METRO branches in 29 countries. Approximately 4,000 employees work in the Netherlands, 300 of whom work at the head office in Amsterdam.

Business challenge

Makro required a workflow solution that would speed up their collaborative processes within the supply chain. Frequently, the prices of fresh produce and seafood can change daily owing to the vagaries of supply. Makro required a workflow solution that would enable the supply chain to react instantaneously to shifting supply and demand.

Solution & Business benefits

The Makro business customer is extremely knowledgeable and requires Makro to be keenly aware of the competitive pressures that they face.

Powered by EndoxaFlow Makro suppliers now log onto the Makro Supplier Portal where they are able to react to changing market conditions and sudden swings in demand and consumer sentiment.

Similarly, Makro prides itself on having the best fresh produce available so when a seasonal product is no longer available the supplier can initiate a workflow temporarily discontinuing a product. This enables Makro to either source the product from another supplier or replace the product with an alternative.

Collaborative processes that previously took days or even weeks are now completed in minutes. Category managers who spent an inordinate amount of their time completing manual processes and associated paperwork now spend their time serving customers with the right product, at the right time, at the right place, which is Makro after all.

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