
A Fresh Approach
To Retail Automation

Endoxa Diagram

Endoxa was established to meet the need for Retail automation - solutions that increase productivity while driving down costs of inter- and intra-business processes.

The outcome was EndoxaFlow® – a retail workflow tool that has since become one of the world’s leading productivity software solutions.

Our solutions

With an ever growing database of clients, EndoxaFlow® is becoming a market leader in Retailer to Supplier solutions.







Endoxa will...

Automate your retail processes with standards-based, state of the art workflow

Allow you to start off small in your company and continuously improve your solution (day by day)

Take care of all technical and development issues

Harmonize with your existing systems (and people)

Host your solution in Microsoft Azure

Charge a realistic monthly fee determined by cost benefits

Provide some of the best technical people you will come across

Give you the highest availability figures you will encounter

Join you to some of the largest companies in the world as our satisfied customers

Trusted by

... and many others.

Pick n Pay Success Story

Photo - Pick n Pay shop

Pick n Pay tackled the low adoption rate of electronic trade in South Africa with the help of Endoxa. During the past ten years Pick n Pay have rolled out B2B e-commerce and collaborative workflow to over 2,500 suppliers throughout Africa.

By using EndoxaFlow Pick n Pay is able to provide a B2B e-commerce platform that greatly assists their smaller suppliers which don’t require special software to trade and collaborate with Pick n Pay.

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